Wednesday 17 December 2014

Light: the missing nutrient

With all the changes underway, we can be forgiven for not realising how essential light is now. 

It used to be that getting fresh air and sunlight was calming and uplifting, but you could survive without it for a long time.  Not anymore.

As our bodies become more lightbody, light is becoming essential.  We need to be out in the sun (no, the sun doesn't have to be actually shining, just being day time is enough) and we need to have exposed eyes and skin.  The best time of day is around noon and you only have to be exposed for about 20 minutes.

We take light in through our eyes, skin and by breathing, so it's important to not have anything that could block absorption.  Skin screen and sunglasses are a no-no for this time.  You don't have to look directly at the sun either!  Simply look up as high as you can comfortably and allow light to hit your open eyes. 

The biggest symptom of a light deficiency is excessive hunger and weight gain.  Your body is craving light but the only way your mind knows how to interpret that signal is that you want food.  And it usually means sugary foods.

Sugar is the highest energy packed food we have on the planet.  Light is higher still and is what your body really wants, but if you don't know that, you will simply go for the sugar.  And with sugar comes a whole host of issues.  Weight gain.  Mood swings.  ADD-like behaviour.  That last one is also a sign the person is highly sensitive to sugar - almost like an allergy - and should not have it at all.

How to get more light

  • Eat lunch outside.  A park is ideal, but not necessary, just be in open air
  • Park your car away from where you are going, so you need to walk
  • Sit by a large window, open is best, but if not, at least make sure it's clean
  • Include a daily walk in your schedule
  • Do meditation or yoga outside


Most older children and all children under 12, including new babies, do not need to be exposed to direct sunlight.  They have been born with new bodies that can easily access the light nutrient.  For them, just being outside is enough.  Place them under tree canopies or a shade umbrella or awning.

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