Wednesday 17 December 2014

Signs you are a Starseed

  • For as long as you can remember, you have never really felt 'at home' here or that you fitted in
  • People often confused you when they said one thing and did something different
  • You had an obsessive need to "know the rules" because you didn't understand this civilisation at all
  • Attracted to science fiction shows:
    Star Trek
    Doctor Who
    Space 1999
    Blake's 7
    Lost in space
    Star wars
    Battlestar Galactica
  • Fascinated with all things space
  • A voracious learner.  Curious about just about anything and easily absorbed knowledge
  • Accused of being seriously weird and not like everyone else
  • Felt incredibly lonely: no-one around you was like you or seemed to understand you
  • Your relationships are 'different'
    You have no interest and remain single
    You have open relationships because you don't understand that kind of restriction
    You learnt about human relationships from watching TV shows as a child and now your relationships mimic them
    You have no desire to have children
    You have more than the average number of children
  • You need to take time to be alone so you can recharge
  • You have contact with aliens, either in real life or dreams
  • You changed your name at least once
  • You suddenly felt like your life was not 'you' anymore and made a major change such as career or where you live (even moving countries)
  • You long to 'go home' - at times this feeling is overwhelming
  • You have a much deeper respect for the natural world then those around you
  • Overly sensitive in one or more senses, especially vision, hearing or sound
  • Favour natural settings to the city or artificial light
  • Need to make contact with trees, the ocean or mountains fairly regularly
  • Have thoughts that are not yours and are completely rational, as though being given information or having conversations
  • Had invisible friends as a child, who had their own personalities

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