Sunday 21 December 2014

Solstice energy 21 December 2014

Did you feel it?  Did you feel the energy coming through last night? 
Or perhaps you didn't feel the energy, but had strange dreams?

My partner woke up practically every hour.  I slept peacefully but had a really strange dream.  Perhaps the difference in sleeping pattern is because I have been through the first stages of Ascension already, while he is only beginning.

The dream was indeed strange.  My partner and I went out driving at night.  We didn't know where we were going but ended up at a chocolate factory which had been set up inside a dilapidated house.  The kitchen was a professional kitchen, behind the workshop/service area.

We found ourselves inside this service area, which was the public area.  Lots of people walking around, checking out the people behind the counter finishing up the chocolates ready for sale.  Somehow my partner and I ended up walking through the kitchen and then he went through a swinging door.  When I got to it, I realised this took you to the other side of the counter.  My partner walked along the inside of the counter, then out the other end and out of the place while I was bailed up by a woman who worked there. 

Suddenly, I was on the other side of the counter trying to explain I was trying to catch up with my partner.  This woman was arrogant and obstinate.  She would not listen.  Soon others had joined in having a go at her, because she had been like that with them.  There was an energy of intense rage going on, building up in the room so I walked off.  I found a staircase in a hall, which was stained or painted a very dark and gloomy brown colour. 

I sat down to catch my breath and calm down.  I could hear this sort of breathing noise and looked up.  Just sticking out of a window frame with no glass was the end of an aircon duct.  I realised this place wasn't finished.  It was as though it was a movie set with only the public areas finished properly.

I left and walked down the street.  Two young women were approaching and one had a go at me for the way I walked (I walked perfectly fine).  When I just stood there watching her, she began to get aggressive.  Her friend didn't understand why and I soon walked on my way.  It seemed to take ages to get to the car and I waved to let my partner know I was there.  He seemed really panicky, like he was worried about where I was.  I got in the care and we drove away.

I had the feeling we were both on a mission to explore and observe and the car represented our space craft.  It was only a couple of days ago I realised my partner is a Starseed as well, from the same place as me.  He is here to protect and support me while I do what I came to do.  I am here to work with others, but to also assist him go through his Ascension process at the same time.  This dream very much confirmed for me what was happening.

It also showed me the observation part will soon be over and the getting on with business part will begin.

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