Wednesday 17 December 2014

Nutritional changes

Ascension creates a lot of interesting changes in the human body.  It's a process that must be gone though in order to get us to 5D.  One of the changes I've noticed is how my body reacts to food now.

It used to be that I had to have meat of some kind.  This physical body required animal flesh.  I have no idea why, but it did.  The first time I became aware of meat as the remains of living animals was when I was 8.  I asked what the meat was on my plate and was told it was rabbit.  I refused to eat it because I liked rabbits.

Later on, I became aware of animal suffering and attempted vegetarianism.  It didn't work too well for me and I went back to meat.  A few years after that, I read some articles about the environments of animals and how they are treated and I managed to be a vegetarian for 12 months, but the flesh lured me back.

A couple more attempts saw me moving toward being vegan.  Now I had a problem.

Being vegan was what my soul wanted.  It was what felt completely right and natural.  When I ate vegan meals, I felt my entire body lift, as though I was becoming lighter, energetically.  However, the body still required flesh, so it would be a month at most and I would have serious intestinal problems, which required flesh to correct.

And so it went until now. 

Approximately, 1 month ago, I found I could not longer eat animal products.  Not just meat but eggs and all dairy was a problem.  I found I reacted badly to these foods, as though my body was sensitive to the death and suffering hormones released in these foods.  I would be overcome with intense anger and sadness and it wasn't pleasant.

On the other hand, just eating vegetables was fine. I went through an intense period of being tired and needing to sleep a lot.  This was all part of the bodily changes taking place.  For the next 3 weeks I lived exclusively on vegetables, with a bit of oil.  No fruit, no seed, definitely no animal products!.  The occasional bit of peanut butter to add some flavour.  That was it.

I was also incredibly hungry toward the end.  I wasn't getting enough energy from just veg and there's really only so many times you can have the same combinations and not want to throw it at the wall.

So I gave in and tried some chicken.  Big mistake.  My body had been going through some other changes I hadn't been aware of.  The entire gut flora had been dying off and replaced with vegetable loving bacteria.  I could now no longer easily digest flesh.  In fact, I didn't digest it.  I was hungry after and I had 2 portions!  Still hungry.  And it created other intestinal upsets.

So that was pretty much it.  I knew I had to expand beyond vegies only, so I bought some tofu.  This and my daily chocolate milk (cocoa in almond or soy milk, no sugar) was a life saver. 

And the other day, the true test.  I decided to try some legumes.  My system had never coped with legumes.  They caused bloating, pain and constipation in the past - and the worst gas!   So I began with a small amount and wouldn't you know it, no problem! 

So my body turned from needing flesh to survive, to vegan in a matter of one month, through its own innate intelligence and with the guidance of non-physical beings.

Other changes have included:
  • Overly sensitive to sugar - even in fruit. 
  • Sensitive to wheat
  • Super sensitive to cola drinks
  • Sensitive to all processed foods
  • Unable to tolerate coffee

 It is so wonderful to finally have this body in alignment with my spirit.  Every time I look at a plate of food now, I know this is real food and I feel joy.  I never felt joy when looking at a plate with flesh on it.  Not once. 

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